Week 3: Further Development / Interviews

In my working methodologies task I expanded on the work of both Dave and Richard, in working with archive imagery and potentially creating stories and narratives through image placement. Developing on this, I have chosen to explore the work of Sarah, who worked with interviews. I am aiming to carry these ideas through to my project and continue developing as the time goes on.

Working with this, I created a short interview, with 10 questions. The questions will be asked to those involved in my life and who I have close relationships with, who may also be involved in my imagery to help create context and narrative through those, bringing back the main ideas of my project.

I will ask the questions to:

  • My Dad
  • My Nan
  • My partner
  • My sister
  • My brother
  • My close friend

The questions are:

1. Please state your name 

2. Please state relationship type with myself

3. How strong do you feel our relationship is?

4. Is there a good memory of us you have?

5. Is there a bad memory of us you have?

6. Do you feel our individual upbringings impacted the way we communicate?

7. Is there anything you feel that could make us have a stronger relationship?

8. Do you think we communicate well?

9. What is something you love / hate about our relationship?

10. Finally, is there anything I can do for us to be closer and have a better relationship?

I believe these questions help give a base to my future developed work, surrounding the main ideas of relationships and communication within those closest to me. Working with archive imagery has opened some wounds I have been unable to mend, but in doing this I have found it therapeutic to ask questions to those who have also been hurt by the past and may not want to discuss it. I find this may help us all individually also, helping us to centre our understanding of our relationship as a whole.

I am unsure of how to place my interview alongside my work just yet, but I will allow the answers to stand alone before trying to contextualise them with imagery.



  1. Tim
  2. Dad
  3. The best, very strong.
  4. Lots of good memories. Very hard to pick the best! Most recent was Hamilton trip, earliest, the day you were born.
  5. All the times I let you down.
  6. Probably.
  7. Do more together like when you were younger.
  8. Yes.
  9. Hate…..falling out Love….you.
  10. Do more things together.


  1. Julie
  2. Grandmother
  3. very strong- as strong as a relationship can be! 
  4. I have many- one of the good ones was when we went to Cheshire Oaks together to look for her prom dress and out for lunch. Didn’t get a dress but had a lot of fun!!
  5. I have no bad memories – all positive! 
  6. we’ve always been a close family – but I used to look after her a lot when she was little and it helped our relationship wonderfully. 
  7. no – we are so strong that nothing else could’ve made it stronger.
  8. we communicate beautifully.
  9. I love the way she always loves to see me and wants us to meet up constantly. I hate that Covid 19 has separated a bit as she can’t come in to my house at the moment! 
  10. well when Covid is over or the vaccination becomes available then we can meet up a lot more often! But as we are so very close already it won’t make a lot of difference.


  1. Laura Ryder
  2. I am your big sister
  3. I feel our relationship is the best we always talk and even when we don’t it’s just the best when I talk to you
  4. I have memories of playing babies and dolls with you involving you In all our games
  5. no
  6. our upbringing wasn’t the best but i wouldn’t change it because it makes us closer and who we are today
  7. no we are sisters we will always be there for one another
  8. yes we communicate well I just love you your amazin
  9. no I wish I.could live nearer to you xxx


  1. James
  2. Brother
  3. Strong
  4. Going on holidays in the summer
  5. Getting hit
  6. Yes
  7. No
  8. Yes
  9. The jokes
  10. No


  1. William Pollitt 
  2. Boyfriend and best friend of five years ! 
  3. The strongest of relationships 
  4. Yes, sitting on top of the viaduct looking over the view of Stockport at night ! 
  5. Yes, being kicked out my house together 
  6. Yes massively 
  7. More endless conversations 
  8. Yes we do 
  9. How we can spend hours together but both get fidgety and sick of each other 
  10. Nothing at all everything’s perfect as is


  1. Billie
  2. Friend
  3. Surpasses any friendship I’ve ever had
  4. Plenty and we’re always making more
  5. Definitely, but do they really matter?
  6. I feel elements of our upbringing help us to empathise with each other
  7. Sprog two.. but honestly our relationship is always strengthening
  8. Sprog two.. but honestly our relationship is always strengthening
  9. I love how much we’ve overcome to establish the friendship we have

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